BABA CAMPUS 3 Months – 18 Months

Florauna Campus has an excellent baby campus. Babies are separate from the rest of the school to give them the environment they need to develop to their needs.

Our specialized staff have numerous years of experience and are experts in their field of care.

They are passionate and strive to give each child the love and care they need as well as adequate stimulation to ensure good growth and development. Our classes are clean and hygiene is of utmost importance.

Well balanced, age appropriate meals are given. Great care is taken with meal preparation and to ensure a smooth transition from baby foods to solids.

BABA KAMPUS 3 Maande – 18 Maande

Florauna Kampus beskik oor ‘n uitstekende Babakampus. Babas is apart van die res van die skool om hul die geleentheid te gun om in hulle eie ruimte volgens hulle behoeftes te ontwikkel.

Ons beskik oor spesialis personeel met jare se ondervinding. Hulle is passievol en streef daarna om vir elke baba die liefde en sorg te gee wat hul benodig sowel as genoegsame stimulasie om goeie ontwikkeling te verseker.

Ons klasse is skoon en netjies en goeie higiëne is van uiterste belang.

Goed gebalanseerde, ouderdomstoepaslike maaltye word gegee. Groot sorg word getref met ons maaltyd voorbereiding asook om die oorgang van babakos na vaste kos suksesvol te maak.