Grade R is a very important year to integrate all the components of learning. We create the correct learning environment through play yet to step up to a more “formal” learning. We follow the CAPS curriculum and are up to standard with what the Education Department require. We supply ample opportunities to further enhance the different components of school readiness to learn, grow and flourish.

  • Weekly computer classes are included in the school fees.
  • Our class numbers are limited to ensure individual attention.
  • Our teacher is qualified and we are recognized with the Department of Education.


Graad R is ‘n belangrike jaar waarin al die komponente van leer geintegreer word. Ons skep die regte leeromgewing deur spel en die oorgang na ‘n meer “formele” leer. Ons volg die CAPS kurrikulum en voldoen aan die Departementele vereistes. Ons verskaf genoegsame geleenthede om aan al die komponente van skoolgereedheid te voldoen sodat ons leerders kan leer, groei en floreer.

  • Weeklikse rekenaarklasse is ingesluit by ons fooie.
  • Ons klasgetalle word tot die minimum beperk om sodoende te verseker dat elke leerder individuele aandag geniet.
  • Ons onderwyseres is gekwalifiseerd en ons word deur die Onderwysdepartement erken.