TODDLERS 18 Months – 3 Years

Our personnel working with the toddlers are passionate about this age group.
We strive to ensure that every child is and feels safe and aim to give each little one the opportunity to learn through play. We are hard workers dedicated to our children. We want to inspire children to think, to solve problems, to care and love to learn and to explore.

Our daily activities include:

  • Movement (gross motor activities) & fine motor activities
  • Arts and crafts
  • Sensory activities
  • Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy
  • Stories and rhymes
  • Songs and music
  • Personal, social and emotional development

PEUTERS 18 Maande- 3 Jaar

Ons peuter personeel is passievol oor hierdie ouderdomsgroep.
Ons streef daarna dat elke kind veilig en geborge voel en poog om elkeen die geleentheid te gun om te leer deur te speel. Ons werk hard en is toegewyd aan ons kinders. Ons wil ons kinders inspireer om te dink, probleme op te los, om om te gee, en om lief te wees om te leer en te ontdek.

Ons daaglikse aktiwiteite sluit in:

  • Beweging (groot motories) & fynmotoriese aktiwiteite
  • Kuns en kunsvlyt
  • Sensoriese aktiwiteite
  • Probleemoplossing, redenasie en wiskundige konsepte
  • Stories en rympies
  • Liedjies en musiek
  • Persoonlike, sosiale en emosionele ontwikkeling